Many symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing in children are very similar to those of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, and can be indistinguishable and therefore misdiagnosed. The development of your child's face and mouth can greatly affect their ability to breathe and sleep.
Many parents don't realize the importance of ensuring their child's airways are clear and free of obstruction. Problem behaviors such as hyperactivity, lack of attention, and trouble concentrating on simple tasks, which are often misdiagnosed as ADHD, can all be linked to airway problems.
Sleep problems are often overlooked in routine ADHD assessments. That's how Myofunctional Therapy can help....
Myofunctional Therapy aims to improve the function of muscles in the upper airway. When these muscles are functioning properly, the airway stays clear. When the airway is clear, your child is able to get quality rest needed for proper growth and development.